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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Powerful Real HOPE, in Romney/Ryan

"I AM" so grateful for The RNC, the speakers, and the Amazen Romney/Ryan ticket. So, grateful that as a 'Positive, Powerful, Passionate, Possibility" thinking women, to know that prayer works and God answers and heals through prayer and keeping focused on the "RIGHT Stuff"... The Stuff of Gratitude; How refreshing to hear a Man that gives and serve his country as a way of life. I'm proud and grateful once again to know that life brings the right things into our live and heavenly father never deserts us... Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have given us the true HOPE once again. The kind of Zig Ziglar Hope many of us know "If there's Hope in the Future, then there is Power in the Present" That's the Romney/Ryan kind I hope I feel...So much so that I walked into our Republican local office yesterday and donated cash and picked up a Yard sign and bumper stickers too! I urge all my fellow Gratitude Times friends to get into the Spirit of this election. We believe that a R & R Presidency is just what America needs for us all to start to breath, and start over for Power HOPE.