Greeting Card Business for 2013

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gratitude Times Launchs

Gratitude Times is launched and underway... We published our first edition yesterday and it was such a joy to see so many eyes light up when we handed them out! How wonderful and Grateful we are to live in a country and age when the only thing that holds us back are our thoughts and limiting beliefs. Little by little, one step at a time, one day at a time. We encourage you to participate in finding your center of Gratitude, and just about the best way we know to do that is by putting good words into your thinking. Reading the wisdom of those that have made gratitude a way of life will surely help us all. Start by enjoying some of the videos and books we will be offering up here. Create your library for yourself and a lasting treasure to pass on to your family. Nothing happens by accident, we all get exactly what we think and dwell upon. Give yourself a Great Day and in return we know you will get a Good day in return... Kindly, LCD

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wordle of Gratitude Times

Wordle: Gratitude Times