Greeting Card Business for 2013

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Gratitude Greeting Card Business

Since 2005 We've been using system for both personal and business, and what a blessing it has become. Since that first day back on January 10th 2006 this complete tool has changed the lives of thousands! Why? it's easy really, I mean Who doesn't like to receive a card or a gift in the mail! It's Easy, Fast and super affordable. For a business professional like myself, it's a MUST. Gratitude Times is what Sending out Cards is all about, we send and we feel great in our thoughtful giving, and touching a person in a most personal thoughtful way has financial benefits also. Thanks to fellow SOC distributor Jules Price for her cute video cartoon here. We hope you'll ponder and consider carefully if you'd like to take our system for a free trial and income opportunity. I've trained hundreds and would love the opportunity to help you get started on a wonderful new Year of 2013 and making a more positive impact on our world. Gratitude Times is possible when we SendOutCards. And it is a Secret to much success for many, how about you? Kindly, LCD "Magic Happens when you SendOutCards"... today!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Powerful Real HOPE, in Romney/Ryan

"I AM" so grateful for The RNC, the speakers, and the Amazen Romney/Ryan ticket. So, grateful that as a 'Positive, Powerful, Passionate, Possibility" thinking women, to know that prayer works and God answers and heals through prayer and keeping focused on the "RIGHT Stuff"... The Stuff of Gratitude; How refreshing to hear a Man that gives and serve his country as a way of life. I'm proud and grateful once again to know that life brings the right things into our live and heavenly father never deserts us... Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have given us the true HOPE once again. The kind of Zig Ziglar Hope many of us know "If there's Hope in the Future, then there is Power in the Present" That's the Romney/Ryan kind I hope I feel...So much so that I walked into our Republican local office yesterday and donated cash and picked up a Yard sign and bumper stickers too! I urge all my fellow Gratitude Times friends to get into the Spirit of this election. We believe that a R & R Presidency is just what America needs for us all to start to breath, and start over for Power HOPE.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Grateful 4 the Problems indeed

I received this e-mail today from a subscription that I take. We all subscribe to several publications no doubt, but this especially hit a core realization with me,
and think you'll enjoy it as well. Problems really do become opportunity don't they! And Grateful we are for that. enjoy... I was sitting at my desk the other day pondering a pesky problem that I've been having. And frankly, it was all I could do to keep from letting negative thinking about it overwhelm me. When I went to check my email, my weekly message from my long-time friend Phil Humbert was in my box. The subject line of his email? The Gift of Problems. How timely and what a great piece that Phil wrote (he puts out some great writing and always has!). I contacted him right away and told him I wanted to share it with you. He graciously gave me permission so here it is in its original and uncut version: "When we're stuck or frustrated, I don't suppose anybody really likes problems. But problems are the source of wealth, fame, power, progress and most of the good things in life. Without problems, I fear we might still be living in caves. Thank goodness for the gift of problems! Do I really mean that? Yes, I do! But do I really feel that way all the time? No. I find it especially hard to appreciate problems when I have one of my own! But the truth is that most of us earn our living by solving other people's problems. In that sense, while I may be frustrated by my own problems, I am extremely thankful that other people have problems I can solve! We had a minor mishap with Mary's car this week. The passenger-side mirror got knocked off, and of course, it has the electric gizmo in it so there was no way I could fix it myself. We had a problem. And since it wasn't scheduled, and I didn't want to be bothered that particular day, it annoyed me. But I noticed the guy at the body shop saw it very differently! Turns out that with his knowledge, experience and tools, he didn't have a problem at all! For him, it was an easy way to make a couple hundred bucks! What a delight! Lucky him. In a diversified economy, problems make the world go 'round! When I have a problem with my car, the mechanic makes money. When I have a problem with my computer, the tech guy makes money. When my clients want to grow their businesses, enrich their lives or have difficulty achieving their most important goals, I get a call. Thank goodness for problems! The truth is, that if you want to make more money, you must (yes, I said, MUST) learn to solve more and bigger problems for more people. People pay to have problems solved. This is easy to understand when the problem is also a crisis. In an emergency we want a doctor to stop the pain. When they break down, we want our cars fixed. When we're travelling and need food or lodging for the night, we gladly pay someone to help us out. Those problems are obvious. But when we buy entertainment or furniture for our homes, or even a book to read on vacation, these are also problems we pay someone to solve for us. Whether your customer is one person called your "boss" or the thousand people who come to your restaurant every day, they all have problems to be solved. If you want them to pay you more, you must find ways to either solve the same problem for more people, or learn to solve bigger or more complex problems. Your income is always a pretty accurate reflection of the value customers put on the problems you solve for them. Thank goodness for problems! And as an extra bonus, consider the amazing gifts problems give us, free of charge! Problems challenge us. They stretch us. They make us creative. They teach us things and force us to learn from or collaborate with very smart people. Sometimes I think of problems as God's gift to the human race! When we are totally relaxed and comfortable, laying in the sun with no problems of any kind, we are unlikely to be motivated. Sometimes, we even doze off! Without problems we do very little. We invent nothing and build little of lasting value. Only when we are hungry, frustrated, worried or challenged by a problem do we rouse ourselves, rally our resources, and get to work. Problems (and their solutions) have created the world we enjoy every day. So, do I really enjoy problems? Well, not always. Like most people, I get frustrated or annoyed by unexpected problems. But I do see them as opportunities to learn new skills, to grow, and in some cases, to grow rich! Problems give me a chance to meet people with skills I don't have, to extend my network, and to learn from people with expertise in areas I can't handle myself. I think it was W. Clement Stone who observed that, "Every problem has within it an even greater opportunity." I think he was right. Examine every problem for the gold that lies within it. Problems make us stronger. They teach us skills, and over time, they make us rich!" If you enjoyed Phil's wisdom you can find more of it at: And I hope you're like me, and you feel a lot different now about that big "problem" that's been shadowing you. As always, thanks for supporting our site :-) Vic and Lisa Johnson If you believe you received this message as a result of SPAM, please forward the entire message to . LLC PO Box 1220 Melrose, FL 32666 USA 877-233-1557 The sender of this email receives compensation when products and services featured herein are purchased. Results are unique. Your results will vary widely. This is an advertisement.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Future is Now

Lets turn the human element of what we all want, need, and desire around for everyone that might not feel "Appreciated" like we all wish and desire. We are all individuals, but we all need each other in Kindness, Joy, Spirit and Gratitude... Enjoy my friend Kody Bateman in his lyrics and vision to change the world with appreciation and gratitude, and watch the change we can collectively create.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gratitude Times Launchs

Gratitude Times is launched and underway... We published our first edition yesterday and it was such a joy to see so many eyes light up when we handed them out! How wonderful and Grateful we are to live in a country and age when the only thing that holds us back are our thoughts and limiting beliefs. Little by little, one step at a time, one day at a time. We encourage you to participate in finding your center of Gratitude, and just about the best way we know to do that is by putting good words into your thinking. Reading the wisdom of those that have made gratitude a way of life will surely help us all. Start by enjoying some of the videos and books we will be offering up here. Create your library for yourself and a lasting treasure to pass on to your family. Nothing happens by accident, we all get exactly what we think and dwell upon. Give yourself a Great Day and in return we know you will get a Good day in return... Kindly, LCD